The average American burns 400 hours a year searching through piles of clutter
Are you ready to escape clutter once and for all?
Clutter is such a HEAVY word.
- Clutter is all of that stuff that keeps you from what you really want to do.
- Clutter is the extra stuff you have laying around your office, your home your car that you don’t know what to do with.
- Clutter is those extra ideas that you carry around with you, you wonder if you’ll ever do them.
- Clutter is all of those to-dos. The list gets longer and longer by the minute…will you ever get around to all of it?
Your clutter is more than just your stuff.
Nancy gets to work late nearly every day. She can’t find anything to wear there’s plenty of clothes but she literally can’t find any of it because it’s all jumbled together. It took Nancy over 2 hours to get ready for work last Monday…she was half an hour late for work Nancy’s boss is not happy. Nancy’s clutter may cost her her job.
John pays his bills late every month. He has the money and the time to pay them but first he has to find them. His paperwork is strewn all over his home and his bills are all mixed in. He pays hundreds of dollars each month in unnecessary late fees and interest charges because he can’t find his bills to pay them on time. John’s clutter costs him money.
Doug never completes projects on time. He always works on several big projects at once. He has stacks of paper all over his office. He gets hundreds of emails each day that he must attend to and the phone never stops ringing. Doug is working ridiculous hours. Between all of the paper, the projects, the emails and the to-dos, Doug can’t keep track of what he has already completed and what he still has left to do. Doug’s clutter is costing him is sanity.
The one thing Debra can be relied on to be is late.She overheard two of her friends talking about her the other day. One of them said that they need to lie to Debra about when the dinner reservations are so that they don’t have to wait for her forever. Debra’s clutter is costing her, her friendships.
Christine won’t invite anyone into her home.There are piles everywhere. She can’t believe her home looks this bad. She’d love to have friends over and throw a dinner party but is too embarrassed. Christine’s clutter is affecting her friendships and social life.
Clutter is very personal. Everyone experiences clutter in their own way. What is your clutter costing you? What will you gain by decluttering?
What does it take to declutter?
Have you ever said to yourself “just get organized” or “just do it”? Getting organized “should be” SO easy.
Well guess what? Decluttering can be hard to do, especially on your own. Organizing is a skill; it is not something that most of us are born knowing how to do. And, even if you know how to get organized it is very easy to get distracted, discouraged or lose your way.
I love helping people declutter because we discover so much more then organized spaces.
- We discover a world of opportunities that weren’t available before.
- We create time for you to spend with family and friends and time to engage in hobbies.
- We create spaces that recharge you and work for you so that you have the room to do what you are passionate about.
- We uncover what’s important to you. By going through your physical things and your tasks we learn what it is you really want to be doing and make sure that you spend your time doing those things.
Imagine if just a few months from now you could be completely out from under your clutter. I’d like to take you to that place. That place of clarity where you can get things done, on time. Where your clutter no longer runs your life. Where you can actually have time for the things in life that you love, and are no longer ruled by your stuff.
I would like to help you, one-on-one, over the next 4 months to FINALLY get out from under your clutter. Get yourself out from under the piles of stuff. Decipher those long to-do lists. Get places on time. In short…discover yourself.
I will be there with you EVERY step of the way.
I will help you by providing specific guidance to you. I will support you and provide encouragement so that you stay on track and succeed.
Of all of the things I’ve used to help myself, having you as my coach has been the best!
“Carrie, the Gold VIP program has been wonderful. Coaching, especially with you, has helped me a lot. I come to each of our calls with a sense of excitement and hope and always leave our calls with a surge of confidence and a renewed sense of strength. I know that I will be able to accomplish whatever plans we create and that they will move me towards my overall goals.
Practically speaking, the best thing about coaching has been that I have been able to learn how to help myself and learn techniques that really make sense to me. With your help, I have been able to devise new strategies that help me get through my days productively. I have created new systems to handle paperwork and bills. I have learned new ways to make decisions about the kinds of things that I need to keep in my life and the types of things that I can let go of.
Of all of the things I’ve used to help myself over all of these years having you as my coach has been the best.”
— Barb R., FL
Click here to listen to Liat describe what coaching did for her
I think more clearly. I can see space for the kind of life I want!
“I cannot believe how much junk I was able to clear out since Tuesday – junk, papers, e-mails, etc….I almost had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. My place looks better than it has in years, and I feel like it would have taken many months to do this on my own. Now that many of my storage areas are cleared out, I actually have room to store stuff there that has been sitting out because I had no place to put it.When my space is clear around me, I’m able to think much more clearly and work more efficiently, and can really see space being made for the kind of life I want! (Not just physical space, but time and freedom.) I can also feel my self confidence starting to grow, because without piles and junk around me, I’m not constantly reminded of the habits I’ve been trying to change.
Thank you so much for all you’ve helped me to accomplish in just one session!”
— Liat R.
I Only Have a Few Spots Available and One of them Has YOUR Name On It!
To provide the amount of support necessary to help you truly escape your clutter, I only work with a handful of people at a time.
I know that you understand the value that getting organized will have for you. Through decluttering
- You will create time to do the things that you care about.
- Your home will become your haven to come home to and invite people into.
- You will become more productive.
- You will become a more reliable person who shows up on time and keeps their word.
You must be committed.
If you’re like most of the people I’ve worked with you’ve tried to do this on your own before.You know it’s not easy.
Maybe you’re one of those people who have gathered all of the papers into one big pile only to discover that after a couple of hours of shifting things from pile to pile things are in worse shape then ever and you’ve completely run out of steam.
Or else you’re one of those people who takes one look at the mess, has no idea where to start or what to do and give up before you even begin.
I feel lighter! I’ve tried for years to do it myself but couldn’t do it alone.
“I have found so many things that I had been hunting for and thrown so much crap away! I feel lighter! You should see the things that I’m driving over to Goodwill tonight. I figure that I can make someone else happy with the good stuff that I don’t need anymore.
Carrie, my perspective has changed and having you guide me to the real reasons why I hadn’t cleaned it up and why I needed to, helped so much. I was able to ask the questions as I went along and get rid of more than I ever could have before.
I’ve tried for years to do it myself and just could not get the motivation and support to do it. I’ve come to realize that I just can’t do it alone, I need help (which for me is hard to admit!). Thanks for being nonjudgmental and helping me realize that I’m not alone in this process!”
— Joyce J, WA
“I no longer have piles of clutter and paperwork interfering with my life and draining me of time and energy!”
“Carrie, Working with you has been such a liberating experience! With your guidance, I have been able to tackle piles of clutter and paperwork which have been interfering with my life for too long and draining me of my time and energy.
In talking with you, you have helped me to recognize what’s important, and that the things I choose to keep need to make me happy or have a valid purpose for being in my life. More importantly, you’ve enabled me to make better decisions, follow through with goals, and feel better about myself in the process.
Your time has been a true gift, and for that I will always be grateful! Thank you!”
— Tina Traina, NJ
So what’s going to be different this time?
Decluttering is skill that you can learn. There is a process to decluttering that I can teach you. Add to that the support and accountability you get when we work together and I know that you will be able to do it. It takes time and effort and you MUST be willing to make the commitment to the process and work with me for the next 4 months. If you are willing to make this commitment, I encourage you to apply for this very special program today.
You’ve made my life exciting, I feel alive and I’m functioning in a new way.
“Carrie, thank you. You’ve inspired and helped me. You’ve made my life exciting and helped me gain possession of my life for the first time. I’m feeling very alive. I’m thinking and functioning in a new and different way & you’re the angel who delivered it.”
— Elizabeth N., NY
What I’ve done in the first week would have taken me 4-6 months on my own
“I have been trying my best to fight the chaos alone for a year. Though I’ve made some in roads, progress has been painfully slow and limited until I met you and we created effective approaches for me to achieve projects that are difficult for me.
The work I’ve done in the first week with you would have taken me 4-6 months on my own if I would have thought of doing it on my own. Your questions helped me evaluate what was most important to me and to work effectively, utilizing my strengths, to make that happen.”
— Susan R., FL
“Thank you Carrie. This has been an exciting time for me. For the first time getting organized feels like I can relate it to my dreams and desires and not the external voices of others trying to get me to do it.”
— Rosalind, CA
Here’s Everything You Will Receive as a CarrieThru VIP Gold Member
BENEFIT #1: Exclusive CarrieThru VIP Gold Level Membership
I work with only a handful of people at this level at any given time. This is your chance to be one of only 5 VIP Gold Members, for 4 full months. You’ll have my devoted attention to helping you declutter your life.
BENEFIT #2: Three One-on-One Coaching Calls EVERY Month for the Next 4-months
For the next four months we will get together THREE times every month by phone and spend 60 solid minutes working on YOU and your clutter. You will be set up for success. We will create a plan to declutter your life. We will design the correct tools that you need to get the work done. We will brainstorm solutions to some of your trickier challenges. We will figure out the best place and way for you to pay your bills. We’ll work together and focus you on ways to make your life and space run smoother.
BENEFIT #3: Follow Up Checklist After Every Call
After each and every coaching call, I will email you a recap of all the next steps we discussed. This checklist will help you stay on track until our next call, and will ensure you don’t forget any of the important topics or action items we discussed.
BENEFIT #4: Unlimited Email Access
I know you may have questions in between our three monthly calls, and you’ll probably have ideas or situations that you’d like my feedback on so you will also have unlimited email access to me for the entire 4 month period. Have a question? Shoot me an email! Want to bounce an idea off of me? Send it over!
BENEFIT #5: Exclusive Telephone Access
Up until now, none of my clients have had open telephone access to me. As a VIP Gold Member I will give you my direct telephone number. You will have the ability to call me in between our three monthly coaching calls if you really need to discuss something. I know that sometimes you may need to bounce an idea off me or you might be stuck and need some help determining the best next step for you to take and sometimes email just doesn’t cut it. I want to be available to help you when these situations arise. I only ask that you respect my time and do not abuse this very special privilege by calling constantly.
BENEFIT #6: 5 months for the price of 4
I have been coaching clients for several years now, and I realize on occasion things come up that can make it difficult to schedule all three of your coaching calls in one month. Plus, we all take vacations and have other obligations. To help you get the most out of this program I will actually give you 5 months to complete all 12 of your coaching calls.
That way, if there’s a month where we can only manage to schedule two calls, you won’t miss out. You’ll have a full extra month to get all of your calls in. (Please note however, that as much as possible we will aim to complete 3 calls per months – this helps us to keep our momentum and it will help avoid the possibility of getting too far behind to make up the calls within the 5 month period).
BENEFIT #7:Free admittance into all CarrieThru programs
You will receive free admittance to any CarrieThru special teleseminar, teleclass or even teleclass series, I offer while you are a VIP Gold Member. I want you to be successful! I am pulling out all of the stops and giving you access to everything I have to offer, all for one price that never changes. (Please note however, that this applies to programs that are run directly by CarrieThru and not provided by CarrieThru through other organizations.)
BENEFIT #8:You will receive the CarrieThru special report: 80 Tips To Get You Organized Today!
This special report contains specific organizing tips that my clients have used successfully. These tips will motivate you, help you decide what you want, guide you to figure out where to put your things and keep your momentum going. These tips are a handy tool to support you as you get started on your organizing journey and later on to help keep you going and moving forward.
BENEFIT #9:You will receive the CarrieThru special report: 50 Tips to Get Your Projects Done!
This special report is overflowing with specific task management tips that my clients have used to successfully. These tips will motivate you, help you decide what you want to do, and guide you to figure out how to do it. These tips are a handy tool to support you while you get started on creating routines to get your everyday stuff done.
Wow! That’s A Lot of Personalized Help Carrie! How Much Does VIP Gold Membership Cost?
There is a financial investment on your part to participate in this special program. Part of the reason for this is that I spend a tremendous amount of time with each of my VIP Gold Members. Nobody else has this level of access to me.
The second reason for the financial investment is to ensure that you truly commit to the program and to decluttering your life. I have found that the more people invest in something, the harder it is to drop off because there is more on the line. I don’t want you to lose your commitment, I want you to succeed!
By committing to this program for 4 solid months, you signal me that you are serious about decluttering your life. By making this investment I also believe you are sending a message to yourself, the Universe and everyone that you know that you are serious and committed.
The value of each individual piece of this program is $4,665.00, however your investment in the Gold VIP Program is just $747 per month, for 4 months. If you prefer you may choose to pay for the entire 4 months upfront and I will give you a 10% discount (nearly $300).
I feel like I’ve lurched into the future and can finally move forward.
“I’ve been staring at this for project for over a year and now it’s done. I feel like I’ve lurched into the future and can finally move forward.
Someone once told me that if you don’t pay for something you don’t take it seriously. I think that the fact that I put money out there for this really solidified my commitment. If I didn’t get it done I knew I’d also be wasting money.”
— N.P., NJ
Why 4 Months?
I’ve been doing this for awhile now and what I’ve seen is that when someone starts something like this they are all excited for the first couple of weeks. They are constantly thinking about what we are doing and are making real progress, and it’s even fun. Then slowly but surely the glamor fades and they realize that some of the things that they have to do are tough. And they give up. It’s frustrating to all of us and I don’t want that to happen to you. I want to be there to help you through the tough times so at the end of four months you will have come completely through the tunnel. You will successfully be on the other side of clutter – it will no longer exist in your life.
There are Only 5 Spots Available
To allow me to provide the personalized attention that is required for you to successfully escape your clutter, I only work with 5 people at a time in this program. And because I am committed to these 5 people’s success, I only want to work with clients who are committed to sticking with the process and doing the work and making the changes necessary for real success.
The total value of each individual piece of this program is $4,665.00
However, your investment:
Monthly Billing: $747 per month for 4 months
One Pay Option: $2670 (save 10%, nearly $300!)
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And as with all CarrieThru products and services, you get my 100% Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, just let me know and I will cancel your VIP Gold Membership and you will not be billed any additional charges. |
It’s only been one week and I already saved over $500!
“It’s been only one week since we talked and I’ve already organized my office and saved over $500. I found errors on bills that I wouldn’t have taken the time to review before. By the way, that $500 doesn’t include the money I am saving on late fees or money I’m saving by not buying things I already had but couldn’t find.”
— Doreen, NJ
I gained almost an hour by not having to hunt things down!
“It’s amazing how having a system that works for me can give me so much free time. At the end of the day yesterday I stood in my clean office and realized I had gained almost an hour by not having to hunt things down. Thank you, thank you for your part in this. ”
— Carol, NJ
Carrie, this is exactly what I need! How do I sign up?
There is an application process for this program. I want to ensure that I only take on clients for whom we both agree the program is a good fit.
To apply for this program, you must first complete the application below. I will review all applications in the order that I receive them. Once your application is received, I will contact you to set up a complimentary phone strategy session.
Because of the exclusive nature of this program you can not purchase this program before you have completed this application process.
VIP Gold Member Application
Please note that all fields are required and even through it doesn’t look it, you can type as much as you’d like in these boxes and Carrie will receive it.
“Thank you Carrie. This has been an exciting time for me… For the first time getting organized feels like I can relate it to my dreams and desires and not the external voices of other trying to get me to do it.”
— Rosalind, CA
“I have counted you among my many blessings of this year. You have added many smiles and a much more positive outlook to my view.”
— Jim, NY
“Thanks Carrie! It’s amazing how much lighter just I feel from starting this!”
— Mary Beth, NJ
“You made sure that you left me in a positive frame of mind, with a clear picture of what I had to do, and with the confidence to face the tasks ahead – Thanks!”
— Ellen, NJ
I have completed the application process and you and I have already talked. I understand that if I choose the monthly billing my credit card will automatically be charged $747 a month for 4 months and if I choose the one pay option, my credit card will be billed a one-time charge of $2670. As a VIP Gold Member I will have access for FOUR full months to all member benefits, including:
Total Value for the Gold VIP Coaching Program: $4,665.00 My Investment in the Gold VIP Coaching Program: |
I understand that am I committing to a 4-month program and to the costs outlined above. However, if for any reason I am not totally satisfied, I may cancel my membership by contacting Carrie personally to explain my dissatisfaction, and I will not be billed any additional charges. I understand costs incurred prior to cancellation will not be refunded.
Please select the appropriate billing option below to pay via our secure server and secure your spot in this very special program today. Once you complete your registration and payment, you will receive instructions for claiming all of your bonuses and I will contact you to schedule your first coaching call.
Once your application has been approved, chose your payment option to purchase via our secure server.
Save $300! One Time Payment Option
Carrie Greene, ACC
CarrieThru, Coaching and Organizing Services
Calm the Overwhelm