You’ll never get to where you’re going unless you know where that is.
Where are you heading?
Let me know in the comments below.
Personal Business Coach & Success Coaching with Carrie Greene
Testimonials & Praise for Carrie Greene Business Coaching
I’m heading to be a womanprenuer. I hope enhance my ability by getting knowledge on howvtomwork smart in order to make a difference in people’s lives by providing products they need when they need them. I want to major in food and nutritional products and I want to work from home.
My suggestion is to pay attention to what people want and give them that. Oftentimes they may “need” something but not want it. For instance, you may need to go to the Dentist but not want to and therefore you put off making an appointment. On the other hand you may want ice cream but not need it and yet you still buy it at the store.