I recently launched the program From Procrastination to Payday. Through this launch I got to experience a new side of the over 5,000 business owners who, like you, are a part of the CarrieThru community. I don’t know why I was surprised but I was…you procrastinate.
I’m going to pull back the curtain a bit and tell you how that launch went from my side.
I created the program because one of the main issues my private clients struggle with is procrastination. I realize that there’s a limit to the number of people I work with privately (I don’t have the time and not everyone is in the position to commit to that type of program). To make the program super accessible I priced it at a no-brainer price point.
I laid out a launch plan that included a series of marketing messages (the emails and videos you received over the last few weeks). I sent out the first message and there was definitely interest. The next few messages fell flat. I couldn’t understand what was happening. I was sure that this was a topic that the CarrieThru community would be interested in, I knew that the content was solid and it was certainly not over-priced. I got frustrated. Then the last chance email went out and registration tripled. Of course I was happy but I was confused…then I remembered…you procrastinate.
If you didn’t sign up for the program this time you got away with it because the program is now a permanent addition to the CarrieThru product line BUT, you didn’t get away with it completely — the price has gone up AND you’re a week behind where you would have been had you taken action last week.
The beauty of the world of an entrepreneur is that there are many business opportunities available. At any point in time you have hundreds of ways to market your business, hundreds of directions to take your business and hundreds of types of products to create.
But here’s the deal… You need to decide yes or no and then act on that decision. However, so many business owners put off decisions “until later”.
When you don’t decide yes or no but instead decide to “wait and see what happens first” you hurt yourself and your business in two ways.
- Decisions are made for you. If you put off your decision you effectively decide no. You miss out on opportunities or are forced into situations that you might have wanted to be in.
- You get stuck and your mind is never clear and focused. When you don’t decide you leave all of your options open. Imagine you were walking down a path in the woods and come to a point where you can go left, right or straight. You need to decide. If you don’t decide you’ll stay still. Sure you might make a “wrong” decision but at least you won’t be stuck, and frankly, you learn from wrong decisions too.
So whatever decisions you’ve been putting off it’s time…decide. Decide yes, or no and then move on. If you decide yes, go ahead and put all of your effort in. If you decide no then give yourself permission to let it go and put all of your efforts into what you have said yes to.
What decisions are you going to make? I’d love to know. Share it with me below.
Nancy Oblea says
Hi Carrie guilty as charged I am an entrepreneur and do procrastinate from time to time and it gets me nowhere quick. I do have a coach and mentor but belive that I can learn from anyone who is like minded
and has been in a certain experience before I have the key is implemation . thank you for the truth .
Carrie says
Thanks for sharing Nancy! The key here is not to feel guilty but to see what you can do to make changes…are there any decisions that you can make now?
Danette Moss says
This article was so on point for me. I’ve taken a stand to fight procrastination. I must admit; the fear of moving forward in some areas can be frightening, but I feel much better when I’ve moved forward and took the leap of faith. The end result is so rewarding.
Thank you for speaking the truth,
Danette Moss