I got to doggy sit again on Friday. Sammi had an interview in the city and needed somewhere to leave Dani. We dropped Sammi off at the train station and headed up to a nearby park. We started with a two mile walk and then went to the dog park. She had a blast. By the time we got home, about an hour and a half later, she was exhausted and slept most of the afternoon. The picture here is of us wrestling with one of her toys. Sammi said that she thinks I secretly want a dog. I certainly enjoy Dani a lot when she’s here, and then love when she leaves. What I want is a dog I get to borrow.
Sammi’s interview included a presentation, with a five-minute teaching section. She decided to teach flying trapeze and how to get yourself to jump off from the tiny platform 20-feet above the ground. It’s about having the right equipment, support, and the right mindset. She explained how fear and excitement feel the same in our bodies, and that we can use our brains to decide that we are excited and not scared.
Sammi taught this lesson to top executives, and it certainly applies to you, too. How can you use the butterflies in your tummy? Are you afraid before walking on stage, or is it really excitement? How do you feel when you’re about to pick up the phone to make an important call or maybe a sales call? What about when you sit down to create a new program? Is it fear that holds you back? What would happen if you allowed your mind to know that it’s not fear, that instead it’s excitement? How can you use that energy to help pull you through instead of holding you back?
What are your thoughts on this? I’d love to know. Go to the comments section below to let me know.
I never thought about fear and excitement feeling the same. Last time I gotup to speak, I was prepared, I was comfy I doing it and I shook like a leaf — excitement or fear?
The shaking is simply energy that you’re body is giving you so that you can perform at your peak. Decide how you want to interpret that energy. Was it excited to jump into the opportunity or getting ready to run away. I think you were excited to be there. Now it’s up to you to decide.