Really? I had reserved the date and told my assistant to reserve the date too.
What choice did I have? I looked at the options that were available to me, chose the date that would work best and offered up one other option based on my travel schedule. After three quick emails we settled on a different day that also worked with my travel schedule. I got an email back from my coach that said, “I love how easy you are.”
It got me thinking.
She called me “easy”. If there’s one thing I know about myself is that I’m not easy. In fact, I’m quite stubborn.
When I believe in something I go after it full force. When I feel that I’ve been wronged or taken advantage of, you will know it. On the other hand, I know that people are people. Sometimes mistakes are made, things shift. There are simply times when it makes sense to let something go be “easy” and just make it work.
So when something comes up how do you know when to stand your ground and when to be “easy”?
Take a minute to figure out what your goal is. What is your vision? Then consider if there are other ways to achieve that purpose and frankly, how important achieving that goal is. If there are other ways to reach that goal, or it’s just not that important in the grand scheme of things, then consider being easy.
One thing I can assure you is that people prefer working with someone who is “easy.” How can you be someone whose goal it is to make sure that it works for everyone and not just you?
Where might it serve you to be easy? Share with me below.
This is a great article Carrie. I remember in my corporate days I used to say “I’m easy” and someone said I should change that to “I’m flexible” after we had a laugh I thought ya, it’s great to be flexible and it’s easy!
I try to be easy with myself when my schedule doesn’t go the way I planned or when I client needs to re-schedule. I love when I have unexpected time open up which gives me plenty of time to be easy and create ease in my life and my business.
Thanks for the reminder!