Important: If you’re clutter free and not overwhelmed, then please don’t read this because it’s not for you.
Colored File Folders and the Latest Greatest Organizing System Won’t Get Rid of Your Clutter!
Why? Because getting through your clutter has NOTHING to do with what system you use.
You know what else? No matter how big a mess you might think you have, you don’t have to stay stuck where you are today.
You CAN calm the overwhelm, you CAN escape your clutter and you CAN get what you want out of your life.
How do I know? Because I’ve helped literally thousands of people to do that.
You know what else? It was easier than they expected.
I’ll tell you more about that in a minute, but first, see if you can relate to what one of my clients said before she started working with me.
From the desk of Carrie Greene
S. Orange, NJ
Monday, 11:45 a.m. ET
Dear Friend,
If you’ve read this far, you probably already know that the usual “quick fixes” or “latest greatest systems” for clutter haven’t worked for you. I’ll bet you can relate to the e-mail that a very bright and successful attorney sent me before she started working with me.
“I look around at the sheer volume of what needs to be done and I’m exhausted before I even start my list. I understand the concept of “prioritize” but I don’t know how to do that when everything is grabbing at me to do NOW…especially those tasks that are overdue. Instead of accomplishing anything, I spend my time spinning from one task to another. I end up with 18 things “in progress” but feel like I haven’t made any progress with them or anything at all.
I always have the best intentions… “Today, I’ll get it done.” “Today, I will file these old projects”. “Today, I will get through my to-do list.” But somehow at the end of my day the to-do’s aren’t done. I’ve been running around in circles and haven’t stopped working all day but I have nothing to show for it.
My head aches from all of the emotional and physical pressure. I feel overwhelmed, defeated and alone. I feel like I’m about to explode…it’s almost like a giant is squeezing my head.
When I finally fall into bed, my mind keeps racing through all 18 projects that I have in progress and the 20 more that I haven’t even started yet.”
How did she loosen the giant’s grip?
By getting out of her own way, and changing how she thought about the clutter around her. Once her mind and heart were clear, the clutter almost took care of itself.
Can you relate?
You wonder what’s wrong with you because other people seem to manage. How do they make it look so easy? How do they manage to function at work? They not only get their projects done but get them done on time without killing themselves to do it. How do they keep their home going? How do they manage to pay their bills on time? For that matter, how do they manage to find the bills that they have to pay?
You’re frustrated and unhappy. You look around your home, your office, even your car, and all you see is piles. Piles of paper, piles of projects that you started but never got back to. Piles of bills. Piles of your life that’s been put on eternal hold.
You would love to walk into your home and feel comfortable and relaxed but instead every time you open the door all you feel is like you’re spinning apart. There is nowhere to go to escape. You have piles of dreams stacked all over and they are dying a slow death.
You have no time for your family, your friends or yourself. You spend all your free time struggling to keep up with what’s coming at you on a daily basis. If you ever did get through the current things there’s always the backlog that you keep promising yourself you’ll get around to “one of these days.”
You say “No” to the things you want to say “Yes!” to. You skip going to your child’s ball games, taking on new and interesting clients or projects, taking classes that interest you, even enjoying your hobbies, because there’s no way you can justify taking time off when there are so many piles to catch up on.
You find yourself staring at a to-do list that never seems to get any shorter; in fact it seems to grow by the minute. It makes you feel hopelessly inefficient and unproductive. You thought you were a fairly bright person. Why does it seem like rocket science to cross a simple thing off a list?
You’ve been dreaming about hosting a dinner but can’t imagine actually doing it. How could you ever invite your family or friends into your home? It would be downright embarrassing to allow anyone, especially your friends and family, into your home.
You’ve promised yourself again and again that this time you’re going to get organized. But no matter what you do, you end up right where you started or worse.
You gather all of the papers into one big pile and “get to work” only to discover after a couple of hours of shifting things from pile to pile that things are in worse shape than ever and you’ve completely run out of steam.
You know that you really are a competent human being. There are so many things that you’re really good at. Heck, there are even areas of your life where you’re well organized. But somehow you just can’t seem to get a grip on the clutter that surrounds you.
You’ve gotten yourself organized more times than you can count but somehow within days or even hours everything is right back where it was before.
It doesn’t have to be this way!
No matter how discouraged you may feel, I am here to tell you that you CAN change your environment and change your life. Here’s what one of my clients said after she worked with me.
“I always dreamed of moving to a bigger house with an extra room for me to use… Little did I know that I had the room all along.”
“All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. You are amazing! I get it! I understand what the saying “you can’t organize clutter” really means and most importantly what to do about it!
I can’t believe I am actually going to have what I’ve always wanted….a space to do my own projects. I always dreamed of moving to a bigger house with an extra room for me to use…little did I know that I had the room all along.
I am so excited about continuing to declutter. I never enjoyed it before and now I’m looking forward to it…what a difference a week has made…wow…I can just imagine what things will be like in a few more weeks. I can hardly wait!
I really am sooooooo happy I had the opportunity to participate in this program with you….it’s been an invaluable experience for me and worth so much more than I ever thought it would be. It has made a really big impact on me and my life!” — Helene, NJ
It can be easier than you think
Click and listen to Liat describe what decluttering did for her.
[wpaudio url=” Testimonial.mp3″ text=”Listen to Liat” dl=”0″]
“I think more clearly. I can see space for the kind of life I want!”
“I cannot believe how much junk I was able to clear out since Tuesday – junk, papers, e-mails, etc….I almost had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. My place looks better than it has in years, and I feel like it would have taken many months to do this on my own. Now that many of my storage areas are cleared out, I actually have room to store stuff there that has been sitting out because I had no place to put it.
When my space is clear around me, I’m able to think much more clearly and work more efficiently, and I can really see space being made for the kind of life I want! (Not just physical space, but time and freedom.) I can also feel my self confidence starting to grow, because without piles and junk around me, I’m not constantly reminded of the habits I’ve been trying to change.
Thank you so much for all you’ve helped me to accomplish in just one session!”
— Liat
So why should you listen to me?
My name is Carrie Greene and I am a coach and professional organizer.
Seven years ago I worked on Wall Street. I was tired of the business-as-usual attitudes of the people and companies I worked for I didn’t feel like I was making a difference in anyone’s life. Bottom line, I was tired of commuting. I decided to start my own business as a professional organizer. I assumed that since I was pretty organized, it would be easy to help others be organized. Boy was I wrong!
Over the past seven years I’ve spoken to thousands of people who are overwhelmed by the clutter in their lives. What I have found out is that clutter and getting organized can be pretty complicated. There are several reasons for this, but before I talk about those, there are two things we need to get clear right away
1) You are not alone, and
2) The situation is not your fault.
I want you to pay attention to this — you are not alone!
Did you know…
The average American wastes 400 hours a year – 7-hours a week, over an hour a day – going through piles of paper for things that they have…somewhere.
Wouldn’t you rather spend those hours with your friends or family or else working productively and earning money that you can spend on having fun?
In a recent study it was reported that:
43% of Americans describe themselves as disorganized;
21% have missed crucial work deadlines; and
Nearly half say disorganization causes them to work late at least two to three times a week.
It’s not your fault!
Did you know that we get more mail in a month then our grandparents got in a lifetime? And just in case you’re wondering — that doesn’t include email! It’s no wonder we can’t keep on top of it all!
You were probably brought up in a home where you were taught not to waste things, that the things we have are good and that we should make sure to take care of them. BUT in today’s world we are told to value the newest gadget above all others and to constantly replace the old one.
Now this is important. These two mindsets are both valid but they can’t co-exist! How can you expect to use the old one and not waste it when you’re constantly being told that it’s no longer good and that it needs to be replaced?
On top of all of that you are constantly being told that the newest gadget, latest system, newest tool will solve all of your clutter troubles. I’m telling you right now, it won’t.
Just because you know you’re not alone, and you know the situation is not your fault, that doesn’t solve the problem. You must decide what works for you and then give yourself permission to follow that. In case you’re thinking, “Sounds good, but how do I do that? I’ll tell you right now that’s just one of the things I can help you to do.
“Carrie, you give people hope that they can overcome their challenges”
“I loved the audio class. I especially like your sensible, practical approach to procrastination and organization. Your approach and tips take into account who each person is. This makes dealing with these issues real. This kind of authenticity gives people hope that they can overcome their challenges.
Thanks again for your help and kindness.”
— Lillian Mills, B.S., M.Ed., C.L.C.
Most people fail at getting organized because they…
Put away their clutter. They never know when they’ll need it so they keep it “just in case.”Say “yes” to too many things. When they keep everything, the things that matter most get lost. By saying “Yes” to everything they end up saying “No” to the things that matter most.
Feel completely overwhelmed and confused about where to start.There are simply too many places needing attention. They give up before they even start.
Think it’s all about the perfect system. They may believe that once they have the perfect system in place that it will solve all of their problems. They buy system after system but none of the systems work for them.
Believe that they’re simply no good at it. They may have tried to get organized many times before but it has never worked…why should they try again?
Simply can’t imagine ever being organized. Even though everyone tells them that they “should” get organized, the bottom line is that they never were organized and believe they never will be.
Can’t get out of their own way. They’ve been trying again and again to get organized but they just can’t believe they can do it. They just can’t picture what life would be like with the clutter gone and they certainly can’t picture the path that they need to travel to get to that life.
Here’s why it’s been so hard up to now…
When we think about decluttering, we tend to think about our stuff. But decluttering is not a physical problem! Sure you’ve got a lot of extra things lying around, but getting organized has NOTHING to do with putting your things away. It’s about YOU: your mind, the way you think and what matters most to you.
Most professional organizers come into your home or office and help you create a system that will work and then within a few days everything is back the way it was. That’s because the system that they created is for your stuff. But it’s not about putting your stuff away. It’s about you!
Have you ever gone into someone’s home and wondered how they do it? Everything is so neat and organized. Since there are no piles of magazines they must have the time to read them. They can put their hands on a phone number, a piece of paper or an outfit without thinking twice. The laundry is done and there are always clean socks. They look calm, relaxed and confident.
Then you go back into your home and it’s utter chaos. Everywhere you look you see piles. There are piles of paper, piles of mail, piles of magazines, piles of dirty laundry, even piles of clean clothes. There’s no way you could easily find that important phone number even though you put it away so carefully in a “safe place.”
You wonder how they do it. What kind of systems do they use? There has to be an answer because it seems lots of other people can keep up with their lives. Everyone else doesn’t stress because they can’t find the bills that need to be paid. Everyone else seems to be able to get to work on time and in clean clothing. Everyone else seems to be able to function so effortlessly. And on top of it all, everyone else seems to be able to take a break and not feel guilty about relaxing!
“I can find my things and don’t waste time and energy hunting through piles of stuff.”
“Carrie, I signed up for your program because I’ve been attempting to clear my desk at work for the past six months without success, but I accomplished so much more than that. First I took the ideas you gave us about how to decide what to let go of or keep and “attacked” a once-overflowing dresser.
Then, I went to my office and conquered my desk. After 6-months of trying to clear my desk on my own unsuccessfully, the job is FINALLY done.
I feel so much better about my desk and dresser. I have gotten positive feedback from my co-workers about my desk. Clearing out my dresser has made me feel free. Now I can find my things when I need them and don’t have to waste my time and energy hunting through piles of stuff that I no longer need or want.” Lu Ann A., NJ
Lu Ann's Organized Desk
Here’s their secret.
It’s not about their perfect system, it’s about their mindset. Organized people look at things differently than you do.
It seems that there is a new organizing system invented every minute. Every magazine you look at has an article purporting to have the “secret” to getting organized. There are countless books available on the subject. You may even have a few of them on your shelf. But none of these systems, magazines or books address the core issue…it’s not about your stuff, it’s about your mind.
You see, clutter is not just a physical problem. Sure you’ll have to deal with the stuff at some point, but that’s only a small piece of the puzzle. First you have to deal with the way you think and relate to your things.
The real issue is within yourself, in your mind and your heart. Once you get out of your own way, decluttering isn’t the awful job you may be thinking it is. In fact decluttering can even be fun.
This is important…
It’s not about the stuff and it’s not about the system: it’s about YOU:
Your needs
Your desires
Your strengths
Your gifts and talents
Your preferences
Your mindset
What makes you happiest
What works for YOU!
Here’s something I’ve learned.
In order for a system, any system, to work, you first need to understand who you are. The system needs to fit YOU. Then you need to believe that you can live an organized life. You need to adjust your mindset.
“When I got home I was surprised…I forgot that I now live in a normal looking place.”
“I was able to enjoy a whole week away with my family. It only happened because of the room in my life I had made. When I got back home I was surprised at first at what good shape it was in. It was like I forgot that I now live in a normal looking place.” — Y. R., MN
Yes, it is important to have a system that works and some of the gadgets are really cool but buying the latest and newest is the last step of the process. It’s not the first step and it’s certainly not the solution to it all.
Before you can get a system that works for you, you have to get out of your own way. This means that if you’re out there buying file folders in every imaginable color, cool labeling machines and the newest “sure-fire” organizing tools that Staples® and the Container Store® have to offer, you’re wasting your time and your money. It’s time to stop putting the cart in front of the horse!
It’s vital that you start at the beginning because if you don’t, you’re going to keep running around like crazy and getting nowhere. And do you know where the beginning is? The beginning is within you…within your mind.
…When you allow yourself to believe that you can get rid of the clutter…
…when you are clearer about what you want in your life and what you are ready to let go of…
…when you have the tools you need to actually go through your things and make decisions…
…THEN you’ll be able to get organized.
Change the way you think, and go from overwhelmed to “in control”.
“Carrie Greene’s de-clutter techniques are solid gold. I’m eternally grateful that I’ve been able to work with her. She “gets” that clutter is not only a physical problem, but it also is about the kind of life I want to live, and who I want to be.
Since Carrie showed me easy and do-able ways, not only to do things about the clutter, but how to think about it, I cannot believe how much better I feel. My office now supports me to be incredibly more productive. It’s not only more organized and more beautiful, it fosters my creativity. Carrie has definitely helped me calm the overwhelm and finish up projects. But more than that, she’s helped me open up space in my office, my home, my mind and my emotions for new, joyful and profitable experiences.
Thank you, thank you Carrie!”
– Bonnie Hutchinson, Alberta, Canada
Imagine for a minute…
Walking into your office feeling energized and excited. Your office supports your creativity; you’ll certainly accomplish everything you set out to do there and more.
Walking into your home at the end of the day feeling relaxed and refreshed. You’re thrilled to see your home and space because it’s welcoming and comforting.
Sleeping like a baby because you know that you accomplished what you set out to do that day.
Waking up rejuvenated and ready to go. You know exactly what you what to do that day and feel confident that you’ll be able to do it.
Having fun playing with your kids because you genuinely have the time to for it.
Being motivated to work on your projects or engage in your hobbies because that’s what you are supposed to be doing, not something you feel guilty because you think you should be doing something else.
Actually finishing your projects and being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Breaking down your big projects into manageable chunks so that you never have to feel overwhelmed again.
Enjoying the money you save because you know what you have and more importantly where it is so that you’re not wasting time and money running to stores to buy the same things over and over again.
Savoring the satisfaction you feel when you can easily put your hands on an important phone number.
Feeling the relief you experience as you cross “get organized” off of your to-do list.
Being amazed at the sense of accomplishment you feel, now that you’re able to spend your time working on the projects that matter.
Loving the freedom you feel being able to spend your “found” time with family and friends.
Standing tall in the confidence you feel when others come into your office or home.
Appreciating the control you have over your things and your space.
Wanting to host a family dinner because getting your home ready for guests is a no-brainer.
Noticing how simple it is to get ready for your day. You know what the day has in store for you, your clothes are ready to go along with your keys and bag.
Delighting in the lightness you feel when you walk into a room and it is open and calm. Now you can focus on what’s important to you.
So what can you do to make this your world?
This image can be real. You can change your mindset. You can learn the tools. And while it’s true that there’s work involved, when you can picture where you’re headed, can visualize yourself moving along that journey and when you have the tools you need to get there you most certainly can get rid of the clutter that’s in the way of you living your best possible life.
And what’s even better is that you’ll never have to relive those horrible experiences you may have had before when you tried to get organized. You won’t be embarrassed, it won’t be scary or overwhelming and it can even be fun.
Click to listen to Joyce describe what de-cluttering did for her
[wpaudio url=” Brief.mp3″ text=”Listen to Joyce” dl=”0″]
“I feel lighter! I’ve tried for years to do it myself but I now realize that I couldn’t do it alone.”
“I have found so many things that I had been hunting for and thrown so much crap away! I feel lighter! You should see the things that I’m driving over to Goodwill tonight. I figure that I can make someone else happy with the good stuff that I don’t need anymore.
Carrie, the program has really changed my perspective and having you guide me to the real reasons why I hadn’t cleaned it up and why I needed to, helped so much. I was able to ask the questions as I went along and get rid of more than I ever could have before.
I’ve tried for years to do it myself and just could not get the motivation and support to do it. I’ve come to realize that I just can’t do it alone, I need help (which for me is hard to admit!). Thanks for being nonjudgmental and helping me realize that I’m not alone in this process!” — Joyce J., WA
Introducing Clutter-Be-Gone!™
Gain Control, Create Space, Reclaim Your Freedom!
Let’s face it. Getting organized is most likely not on the top of your “let’s do something fun today” list. It takes time, it takes effort and for some it takes money but the payoff is enormous!
Your personal reason for getting organized is the foundation to everything. You’ll uncover what’s in it for you, your destination along this journey. Find out what’s really motivating you to get rid of your clutter because when you understand where you’re going, the journey is much easier. You’ll begin to shift the way you think from “I’m feeling overwhelmed” to “I’m feeling alive and powerful!” You’ll stop saying “No” to living your life and start saying “Yes” to spending your time and energy in ways that nourish you and that you enjoy.
Many of my clients come to me embarrassed. They feel overwhelmed and hopeless. Their offices are a mess and they are embarrassed when their co-workers come over to their desks. Their homes are a wreck and they can’t imagine ever being able to invite anyone over. Heck, ever their cars can use an overhaul. With so many areas of their lives to attend to, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and just give up.
You already know there’s no way you can do it all at once but where do you start? There’s no one answer for everyone but you’ll discover the right place for you to start so that you can make progress and move forward.
I will not tell you to throw all of your things away, but I am going to ask you to consider the things you have and decide whether or not they add value to your life and are worthy of being kept.
Gain specific decision making tools that will guide you so that you can evaluate the things you have quickly, objectively and feel in control and confident about the decisions you make. Watch your mindset shift from “How can I?” to “I can do this!”
What I’ve found most amazing in the work that I’ve done with my clients is that as they start this process and learn the tools they need to get through their things, the right systems seem to reveal themselves.
There are tons of systems out there but what will work for you? What you’ll discover about yourself and your habits will guide you so that you can create a system that will work for you.
“I’m saving money…and the guy that I’m dating is turned on by me getting organized too!”
“I’m really glad that the group was here for me because the public accountability really helped me. If it was just Carrie and me on the phone I could have easily rescheduled. I feel really good about what I have accomplished.
My friend noticed all the progress I had made and said that it looks so open and looks different. I’m saving money because I’m shopping for things in my house and if that isn’t enough, as a side benefit the guy that I’m dating is so turned on by me getting organized too!”— Laura, IL
If you only have one small pile of clutter you probably aren’t reading this so I’m going to assume that you’ve got a larger de-cluttering project in mind. The bottom line is that it’s going to take time.
The first step is to get your brain on the right track. Then you’ll gain the tools you’ll use to go through your things.
As you start on this journey you’ll find out that just knowing know how to confidently go through your things and what types of systems really work for you will help a lot but knowing isn’t doing.
The primary thing that I’ve seen that gets in the way of progress is getting distracted as you go through your organizing project. You either don’t actually do the project or your efforts end up being so scattered that you don’t finish any of the projects you start.
Discover the secrets to staying on track and keeping your focus so that you can move forward and the progress you make will yield the results you want. You’ll actually be able to go to bed knowing how much you’ve accomplished and feeling self-assured. You are moving forward towards your new life.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could organize all of your stuff and then be done? Well, unfortunately that’s not reality. What happens is that as soon as you’re all done you decide to embark on a new project or your kids come home and tell you that they are interested in a new sport, or more likely, the mail comes in the door.
Just like eating and showering are non-negotiable parts of your life, it’s important to make organizing a part of your everyday life too. It may not be the most fun part of your day but it’s easy when the backlog isn’t there and you’re reaping the benefits of the time and the space that you’ve discovered.
You can easily continue to keep up with the things that are already a part of your life as well as new things that come into your life so that you stay in control.
“I no longer have piles of clutter and paperwork interfering with my life and draining me of time and energy!”
“Carrie, working with you has been such a liberating experience! With your guidance, I have been able to tackle piles of clutter and paperwork which have been interfering with my life for too long and draining me of my time and energy.
In talking with you, you have helped me to recognize what’s important, and that the things I choose to keep need to make me happy or have a valid purpose for being in my life. More importantly, you’ve enabled me to make better decisions, follow through with goals, and feel better about myself in the process.
Your time has been a true gift, and for that I will always be grateful! Thank you!” — Tina Traina, NJ
You’re probably wondering, “What’s going to be different this time?”
Difference #1:
I understand that clutter is not just a physical problem. You see, over the last seven years as I’ve worked with thousands of people, I’ve gotten to know them as I’ve coached them and worked with them in their offices or home.
Difference #2:
This program helps you shift your mindset.
Remember how I said that lots of people really want to do this, but though part of their mind wants to get going, another part of their mind doesn’t believe they can do it or can’t imagine the path? Well, you can’t argue with yourself and win! If different parts of your mind are working at cross-purposes, calming the overwhelm and de-cluttering is a lot more difficult
The people most successful at decluttering and reclaiming their lives are the ones who were able to imagine the journey they’re on. They were able to picture where they are going and more importantly how to get there. They are able to get out of their own way. It’s about the way you think.
This is so important that I have brought in Bonnie Hutchinson, founder of Soul Power Wisdom, to expertly guide you through the mental clutter that may be keeping you stuck where you are today. She will help you imagine where your journey is leading, and help you get out of your own way.
Bonnie’s clients call her “The Goddess of Visualization.” She will help you make sure that different facets of yourself are in alignment with one another, so your body, heart, mind and spirit are working in harmony. You’ll love the way this calms your thoughts and emotions as you begin to look at your spaces in a different way, and move through clutter that’s plagued you, perhaps for years.
You’ll be able to open up space in your mind and heart, and dissolve any mental or emotional barriers that are keeping you stuck where you are. (You don’t even have to know what the barriers are to dissolve them.)
Yes, you’re going to have to deal with your stuff but you’ll be able to do it confidently and without guilt or embarrassment or self-doubt. You will have support every step of the way. You won’t be alone but you will not feel exposed.
Difference #3:
You receive all the tools you’ll need – and because we know it’s not just about the clutter, and because we’ve worked on your mental game, these tools are easy for you to use.
You’ll receive your complete, step-by-step, guide to escaping your clutter shipped to your door and ready to go.
Let’s take a look at exactly what you get when you receive “Clutter-Be-Gone”…
1) You get SIX Audio CDs which will walk you through each step so you will know exactly what you need to do to:
CD 1 – Your Motivation: Understand your motivation so that you stay energized through the process. CD 2 – Where to Begin: Figure out where to start so that you feel confident and in control. CD 3 – Going through your things: Learn what to keep and what you can feel good letting go of. CD 4 – Creating Systems: Understand what type of systems will work for you and how to create them. CD 5 – Staying on track and focused: Learn the keys to taking the knowledge you’ve gained, applying it and staying focused. CD 6 – Keeping it Going: Know how to keep the momentum going so that you stay in control of your things and your life.
2) You get SIX Guided Visualizations.
I can teach you all of the steps that you need to follow but I know that this isn’t enough. What happens is that one part of your mind can hardly wait to get going while another part of your mind is afraid you can’t do it. Then you’re immobilized. That’s why I have invited my friend Bonnie Hutchinson to help out.
Bonnie has created guided visualizations to be used in conjunction with the program. There is a visualization to support each of the six modules. You won’t get stuck with all of the stuff in your head or the stories you have in your mind. These visualizations will help you break through that “mental clutter” so you can take action. Instead of being immobilized or creating distraction, your mind will become your friend and ally, helping you with this process and even making it fun.
You may be wondering what a “Guided Visualization” is. I know I was! These visualizations are short recordings that put you in a calm frame of mind. Bonnie helps you release all your “mental junk” and clear your head so you can move forward and escape your clutter. It’s like a meditation guided by your own coach or advisor.
If you’re thinking that you’ve never done any meditation before, or you tried and it didn’t work, or it’s “not your kind of thing,” I know where you’re at. Before I listened to Bonnie’s visualizations I felt exactly the same way.
Bonnie makes this process easy for everyone. (She’s been called “The Goddess of Visualization.”) Oh and you don’t have to do anything weird or uncomfortable — just sit comfortably in your chair and listen to a short recording. You can even follow along while you’re on your treadmill or going for a walk!
3) You get complete transcripts for each module and visualization because for some of us (myself included) sometimes it’s just easier to read.
4) You get notes to accompany each module. These notes contain the high level points covered in each topic. You can use them to follow along or as a quick reminder of something we covered.
5) You get exercises for each module. We’re all different people. We are all in different situations and have unique concerns. It would never make sense for you to try to fit your things into a cookie cutter solution. These exercises will enable you tailor the information so that it works for you.
6) I’m all about organization so you get a binder so that all of the information stays organized and accessible to you.
And on top of all this I’ve added TWO special bonuses
Bonus #1
A guided visualization designed specifically to help you calm the overwhelm. You know this one is good because Bonnie created it specifically to help her calm the overwhelm she faced when dealing with her own clutter.
Bonus #2
A guided visualization designed specifically to propel you into action. It would be great if all you needed to keep up was a single day of action but in reality you are probably going to need to do some of this work on your own. This visualization is designed specifically to boost your energy and your confidence. Once you’ve heard this there will be no stopping you!
To recap here’s what you’ll get with “Clutter-Be-Gone™”
My 6-step proven process to calming your overwhelm and gaining control over your things and your space.
Six Guided Visualizations created by Bonnie Hutchinson designed specifically to enable you to cut through the mental clutter that’s been stopping you.
Full transcripts of all of the modules and visualizations so that you can follow along with the audio or if you prefer just read them instead.
A complete set of notes for each module so that you can refresh your mind quickly and easily.
A series of worksheets designed to enable you to personalize your learning and apply it to your specific situation.
A binder so that you can keep everything together so that you’ll be able to find it and use it easily.
Plus, you’ll receive these FREE bonuses:
A Guided Visualization designed specifically to calm your overwhelm.
A guided visualization that will raise your confidence and get you psyched up and motivated to tackle anything.
I’m sure you’re probably wondering “What is this is going to cost me?”
If I were to spend 6 hours with you teaching you and coaching over the phone you through everything that you’ll learn in these programs it would cost you at least $1,200.
If Bonnie were to work with you by phone and guide you through all 8 visualizations, it would cost you at least $800.
Remember, that’s without all of the notes, exercises, and being able to access this information whenever you needed it most.
Your investment in the CarrieThru Clutter-Be-Gone program is just $347 plus shipping
Think about how many hours a day you are wasting because of your clutter. What is your time worth to you? How much is it worth to be able to use that time productively? How much is it worth to you to be able to spend that time with the people you care about? How much is it worth for you to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that your to-do list is totally under your control?
As one of my clients said,
“I realized that clutter was wasting more than my time and my space. My clutter was wasting my life!”
“I gained almost an hour by not having to hunt things down!”
“It’s amazing how having a system that works for me can give me so much free time. At the end of the day yesterday I stood in my clean office and realized I had gained almost an hour by not having to hunt things down. Thank you, thank you for your part in this. ”
— Carol P., NJ
“It’s only been one week and I already saved over $500!”
“It’s been only one week since we talked and I’ve already organized my office and saved over $500. I found errors on bills that I wouldn’t have taken the time to review before. By the way, that $500 doesn’t include the money I am saving on late fees or money I’m saving by not buying things I already had but couldn’t find.”
— Doreen H., NJ
“I think that the fact that I put money out there really solidified my commitment.”
“I’ve been staring at this for project for over a year and now it’s done. I feel like I’ve lurched into the future and can finally move forward.
Someone once told me that if you don’t pay for something you don’t take it seriously. I think that the fact that I put money out there for this really solidified my commitment. If I didn’t get it done I knew I’d also be wasting money.
Carrie, the questions you gave us to ask ourselves are so critical to everything and not just organizing. These questions have changed the way I think and have empowered me. I feel a lot of relief, like a weight has lifted off and it has motivated me to move more. This program pushed me in the right direction and has given me hope.”
— Nora P, NJ
And as with all CarrieThru products and services, you get my 100% Guarantee.
If for some reason you are not completely satisfied with the Clutter-Be-Gone program, return it to me in resalable condition within 3-months from your date of your purchase, and I will refund your investment in full.
No reason needed.
Yes Carrie! I’m ready for my Clutter to Be GONE so that I can create space for the life I want!
For just $347 I understand I’m getting:
SIX audio CDs, one for each of Carrie’s 6-step proven process to calming your overwhelm and gaining control over your things and your space ($347 Value)
SIX Guided Visualizations created by Bonnie Hutchinson designed specifically to empower you to move out of your own way and through the clutter. ($600 Value)
Full transcripts of all of the modules and visualizations to read as you listen to the recording or simply read on their own. ($267 Value)
A complete set of notes for each module so that you can refresh your mind quickly and easily. ($67 Value)
A series of worksheets designed to enable you to personalize your learning and apply it to your specific situation. ($67 Value)
A binder so that you can keep everything together so that you’ll be able to find it and use it easily. ($27 Value)
A life that is clutter free … priceless!
As a FREE bonus I will also receive:
A Guided Visualization (Audio CD PLUS Transcript) designed specifically to calm your overwhelm. ($100)
A Guided Visualization (Audio CD PLUS Transcript) that will raise your confidence and get you psyched up and motivated to tackle anything. ($100)
A total value of $1,575.00
I understand that I’m investing in Carrie’s Clutter-Be-Gone program at NO RISK whatsoever, because it comes with a full money-back guarantee, which I can request anytime for up to 60-days from the date of purchase.
Your order will be processed on secure servers.
Unless you change what you’ve been doing you’re going to keep getting what you’ve been getting.
I am looking forward to helping you escape your clutter!
P.S. I would love for you to invest in this program not for me but what it can do for you. The last thing I want is for this decision to end up as clutter in yet another pile of things that you want to get around to thinking about. So if you’re ready to declutter your life go ahead and decide “Yes” and click “Order Now” to take your first step towards a clutter free life.
Legal disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this program and its potential. The testimonials and examples are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her dedication, desire and motivation.
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