Your clients do not buy your products and services. Well, technically they do, but the reality is that they buy you. Your clients invest in the way you think and the experiences you’ve had. They invest in your successes and your failures. They buy what makes you laugh and what makes you cry.
I send out a weekly newsletter. I include a personal note about what is going on in my life that week. I always get comments on the personal note and, when I speak with clients or prospects they generally comment on what is going on in my life, not what my last article was about.
There are lots of people who do what you do or sell what you sell. It’s easy to understand that if you work privately with clients and establish personal relationships with them that the client is buying you. It’s also true if you primarily sell products to your clients. Imagine you sell jeans. Someone buying your product buys your vision, it just happens to be in the form of clothing.
I do a lot of things right in my business; I also do a lot of things wrong. Most of the articles I write are a result of these “learning opportunities”. They make me real. Clients often tell me that the reason they hired me is because I share the truth and not an idealized world. That’s not to say that I could get away with being a lousy coach. My coaching abilities, my knowledge of how to create a business that support you must be there, my clients buy what comes with that, and that is me.
The only person you must answer to every single day is yourself. You are all that you have. What distinguishes you from others that do the same work is just one thing – you. Share yourself, share your message, there are people who need to hear it in the way only you can say it.
What makes you unique? Go ahead and respond in the comments section below to start sharing with the world.
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