Repetitious boredom.
According to Greg Harrelson it leads to success. In order to master something you must do it again and again and again.
He goes on to say that what differentiates real success is the willingness to stick to it, of being consistent and mastering repetitious boredom.
It makes me yawn just thinking about it.
Harrelson knows what he’s talking about. He’s a real estate broker who has built an amazing business. His real estate team is in the top 1% nationwide, even though his team is much smaller than the ones he competes against. Why? Because he teaches his team about repetitious boredom.
I love the concept of repetitious boredom; the truth is that I can’t stand doing it. You know why? It’s boring!
Who needs to master something when you can be good enough?
It’s not enough though, is it? Instead of being masterful on stage, you’re good enough. Instead of mastering the art of sales conversations, you’re good enough. Instead of mastering your message, it’s good enough.
You see the problem? Do you see how much you end up leaving behind when you don’t master something?
How do you get yourself to keep at something day after day, and repeat it willingly, and deliberately, to the point of boredom?
You keep your eye on why you’re doing it. You think about your ultimate goal. What you will get when you achieve mastery. You think about how your family, your community and your clients benefit from your dedication.
I just re-read what I wrote and found myself getting a bit nervous.
You know why? It’s because mastery sounds great but the reality is that you never really master something do you? You consistently do it imperfectly again and again and again and as you do it imperfectly you get better and better at it.
Oh and here’s some good news… you don’t have to master everything. Harrelson has built an extremely successful business focusing on the things that have been right for him and his business. For instance, as of this writing, his website hasn’t been updated for over a year.
My advice to you, know your goal and with that goal in mind decide what is right for you and your business and work on mastering that.
You’re not going to love repetitious boredom, instead embrace loving what repetitious boredom gets you. If doing the work and mastering it gets you the income you want, the body you want, or the time you want, then think about that because your goal isn’t boring.
And remember, you are never really going to master it; you’ll just keep doing it imperfectly. As long as you keep at it, it’s just fine.
Where will repetitious boredom help you in your business? I’d love to know share your thoughts in the comments section of the blog.
Every day, I post to my online news source. Just about every day, I cover an event or attend a meeting to write up and cover for my online news source. Most people hate meetings. I’m nosy, and meetings help me know what’s going on in the area. They also let me write them up to inform my ever-growing number of readers.
I haven’t mastered any of the boring tasks, but at least the subject matter changes. I keep at it, and evidently my readers like what they read, because they keep coming back. So I’ll keep doing it!