A client of mine shared with me that one of her goals, her vision

My vision for myself is to feed my family and send my children to college. My vision for myself also includes time for me to be outdoors and being with friends. My vision for myself includes time in the kitchen cooking for the people I love.
Your vision grounds you and serves as a roadmap for where you are going. Your vision helps to guide you through every day and long-term decisions.
Helping your clients visualize what they want, and how your services can help them get it, will enable them to see the value in what you offer and help them decide whether or not to work with you.
These are three things I make sure to include when looking towards the future, whether it’s my vision for myself, or as I help a client understand their vision for themselves.
1. How do you want to spend your “work-day” in the short-term? Do you want to spend time creating new products? Do you want to work intensely with just a few ideal clients, or with large groups of people? How many hours a day do you want to work? What type of support team do you want to manage? What type of environment do you want to be in? What do you really want to be doing?
2. How do you want to take care of yourself each day? Do you see yourself at the gym? Are you having lunch with friends? Are you traveling for pleasure? Are you spending time with family? Are you volunteering your time to an organization you support? Are you curled up on a couch with a good book? How much of your time is spent “working” versus nourishing yourself?
3. Where do you see your business and life in the long term? Do you foresee any changes to what you are currently doing? Are there any big goals you want to track towards? What do you need to do in the short run, both professionally and personally, to help you get there?
Now consider this… imagine paying attention to your vision each day, what effect will that have on the clients you work with?
The more you step into your vision of yourself, the more valuable you become both for yourself and for your clients.
What vision of yourself are you ready to step into? Go ahead and share in the comments section and get yourself one step closer.
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